Hello my web viewers, starting another in this blog, and in this video we will talk about the news that were released on the site Flixpress.
If you produce videos for YouTube and you do not know the Flixpress site yet, you're missing out on putting fantastic intros on your videos. Flixpress has some intros that you can use totally free and without watermark.
The best is that recently has been released 4 new templates that you can use for free. We are leaving a preview of these intros that can be easily made on the site.
To access Flixpress click here
A big news in the new templates is that you now have one for videos with lists: Top 5. So YouTube channels that have videos with Top 5 list, will take good advantage of this new sticker.
And for those who already use the system to create intro for videos can jump for joy because now the online system of creation of intros counts with some new intros. Now the intros will be more varied and your videos will look more professional.
So if you still do not know Flixpress click on the description to make your registration and start using Flixpress.
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